Tuesday Foods

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Buzzword: Beegan

What is Beegan {and why you might want to BEE one…}

According to the urban dictionary, “a beegan is someone who eschews all animal products from their diet, with the exception of insect products, most notably, honey. There's actually a whole website dedicated to the philosophy stating that the movement was started to promote beekeepers.”

Of course we are fans of the beekeepers so we dove in deep… follow us down the hive here:

Why bees are important:

Honeybees play a pivotal role in our nation’s food production, contributing an estimated $15 billion to the U.S. economy each year by pollinating 90(+) crops. It is estimated that at least a third of the food we consume each and every day, relies on pollination, mostly by bees. In short, our ecosystems would crumble without these beautiful buzzing bees.

Tragically, honey bees are disappearing globally at an alarming rate due to pesticides, parasites, disease and loss of their beloved habitats.

The presence of bees actually gives us a glimpse into the health or dis-ease of a given environment. When the bees are not in balance, neither are their surroundings - and on the contrary - healthy bees are a sign of a well functioning ecosystem.

Celebrity Beekeepers:

Many celebrities are hopping on this conservation train and diving into the hive. What’s with all the buzz?

Scarlett Johansen, Morgan Freemen, Michele Obama and Leo Dicaprio (to name just a few) are supporting bees in their backyards and adding to these conservation efforts.

Health Benefits of Honey:

It’s important to note that honey is still sugar - and while the insulin spiking effects might be slower and lower than sweet alternatives, it is sugar and should be used and enjoyed in sweet moderation…

Also. there is a huge difference between raw, unpasteurized, pure local honey and what you usually find on the grocery store shelves.

Raw honey is simply strained before it reaches the consumer - in essence, exactly what Winnie the Poo would dip his finger into in the hive - the real deal if you would. In this pure, unrefined form, which means it the honey retains a multitude of nutrients and antioxidants (gifts from the gods!) which are naturally occurring.

Conversely, conventional honey is most often heated during the pasteurization process and may undergo a variety of other methods during manufacture, which will remove the pollen and lessen its powerful potency. Some manufacturers even add corn syrup to aid in the retaining the smooth viscosity - (no thank you!)

But back to the Raw stuff (a.k.a. the bee’s knees…)

This is the medicine, the super food, the nectar of the gods. From beekeeper’s naturals: Long before the days of drug stores, early civilizations looked to the hives to find their wellness for everything from natural energy boosting, stopping a scratchy throat, bulletproofing immunity, aiding allergies, boosting memory and supporting the brain. 

Honey naturally offers:

  • antibacterial action

  • wound-healing effects

  • dietary antioxidants

  • anti-inflammatory effectsI

Honey is also:

  • full of antioxidants

  • a natural source of nutrition

  • helpful in healing wounds

  • a phytonutrient powerhouse

  • supportive of gut health and digestion

  • boosting brain benefits

  • useful to soothe a sore throat or mild cough

    Pretty impressive, right!? And don’t even get us started on pollen and propolis. Here's what the research says about bee pollen benefits: (just to name a few…)

  • relives inflammation

  • boosts liver health

  • strengthens the immune system

  • natures dietary supplement

  • powerful antioxidant

  • eases symptoms of menopause

  • can help reduce stress

  • speeds the healing process.

From the national library of medicine: “An overview of honey, propolis, and royal jelly and their biological potentials was highlighted. The potential health benefits of honey, such as microbial inhibition, wound healing, and its effects on other diseases, are described. Propolis has been reported to have various health benefits related to gastrointestinal disorders, allergies, and gynecological, oral, and dermatological problems. Royal jelly is well known for its protective effects on reproductive health, neurodegenerative disorders, wound healing, and aging.”

My family and i have been enjoying the medicinal benefits of honey based products for years. The brand we have learned to love and trust the most is Beekeeper’s Naturals. We found their propolis throat spray on Thrive Market a few years back and our throats, immune systems (and sweet tooth’s!) have been thanking us ever since. (My 9 year old uses the propolis spray to sweeten her yogurt! )

Their founder is impressive. Driven by a chronic condition and a personal healing journey, Carly Stein found long sought after healing in powerful propolis while studying abroad. She was determined to bring this natural medicine into mainstream American and is now “on a mission to improve the health of both humans and bees. Beekeeper’s Naturals products harnesses the power of the hive to improve energy, mental clarity, scratchy throats, and more. Meanwhile, their sustainable harvesting and environmental initiatives provide pollinators with an equal dose of TLC.”

We learned SO much by tuning into this podcast with Carly and super food forager Darin Olien on The Darin Olien Show

Recipe Share:


Wait but first, what is nice cream!? From thekitchn.com… “Banana-based ice cream may be the original nice cream, but the term has come to represent any fruit-based, vegan, dairy-free treat free from artificial flavors, colors, preservatives, and added sugar.”

Ok, now onto the good stuff:

Bee Nice Ingredients:

  • 1 frozen banana, cut into 1/2 inch chunks

  • 1 tablespoon tahini

  • 1 heaping teaspoon raw unfiltered honey

  • 1 pinch pink Himilayan sea salt

  • 1/4 cup almond, oat or coconut milk (add slowly to desired nice cream texture


(we love to use a mini prep for the best textured nice cream, however a food processor or high speed blender works well here too.)

  1. chop you frozen banana and add it to your mini prep (small batches work best!)

  2. add all remaining ingredients and processes until smooth, scraping down the sides as needed and adding more nut milk in tiny increment to get the perfect “soft serve” like texture.

  3. optional: top with bee pollen and or toasted sesame seeds, an additional drizzle of honey and a sprinkle of sea salt. divide between 2 small bowls and enjoy the buzzz……