Tuesday Foods

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5 Simple Tips To Improve Gut Health

“Quite literally, your gut is the epicenter of your mental and physical health. Yet it’s all too common to experience lots of digestive issues that make a huge impact on our strength and vitality. If you want better immunity, efficient digestion, improved clarity and balance, focus on rebuilding your gut health.”

– Kris Carr

Over the last decade the gut mocrobiota has become a pretty buzzy topic. It refers to the trillions of microbes inside the human body, that influence digestion, nutrient absorption, hormone balance, energy levels, skin clarity, moods, weight, cravings, immunity and overall vitality.

And did you know that 95% of your serotonin, "the happy molecule" also lives within your microbiome? It's true that you have an entire guidance system in the center of your body - sometimes referred to as your “second brain” or recognized as “gut instinct.”

Nurturing your gut microbiome could improve all aspects of your health and happiness... which is why we put so much love and attention into every bite we serve from the Tuesday Foods Kitchen!

For better overall health and vitality, try our 5 easy ways to improve and heal your gut:

1 . Eat a wide variety of plant-based foods.

Eating a wide variety of vegetables, fruits and berries, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds plays a major role in enhancing the diversity of your gut microbiome. Research has shown that people who eat over 30 different plants a week have greater gut microbiome diversity than those who don’t.

Our tips: Count the plants on your plate! Aim to add 3-5 colors on your plate at each meal, which is a strong indicator that you’re getting the right amount of plant nutrition and fiber. In simple terms, eat the rainbow!

And, of course we are happy to delivery delicious, plant-based nutrition straight to your door! Our meals pack over 40 grams of fiber from over 70 different types of plants in a single day! ORDER HERE

2. Eat fermented foods, and take a probiotic.

Fermented Foods - we are obsessed with them! To improve gut health, add a scoop or two of fermented foods to your diet to feed your digestive system the probiotics it needs to function optimally. Foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, pickled veggies, miso, kefir and coconut yogurt are a great way to get your daily dose; and consider taking a high-quality probiotic supplement.

Try our homemade Kimichi Recipe.

3. Cook with herbs and spices.

Cooking with herbs and spices not only enhances the natural flavor of foods, it can also help boost gut health and improve overall well being. Some tasty (and healing) herbs and spices to include are garlic, cayenne pepper, ginger, cinnamon, turmeric, oregano, rosemary, cumin, and peppermint.

Check our a few of our spicy recipes here:

Immune Boosting Stew

Healing Kitchari

Immune Boosting Teas, Tonics and Tinctures

4. Get 8 hours of sleep each night.

Getting a full night’s rest is a powerful way to heal your body and digestive processes. There is simply no substitute for deep, restorative sleep!

Our Tips: Take an hour (at least) to wind down before bed. Dim the lights, and create a calm, peaceful environment in your bedroom Enjoy a hot epsom salt bath and add a few drops of lavender essential oils for an extra soothing affect. Take a magnesium supplement before bed to promote relaxation.

5. Move your body every day.

The benefits of exercise are seemingly endless and getting an hour of exercise each day is one of the most important things you can do for your health and energy. Even better, exercise outside and enjoy the benefits of fresh air and sunshine. (Vitamin D is key for healing the gut.) Exercise and sweating can reduce inflammation and lower stress hormones.

Our tips: We love walking (or hiking, jogging, biking skiing) outside. On days we can’t get outside - we love our peloton bikes or favorite local yoga class. If you don’t get outside at least 3 times per week, consider a Vitamin D supplement to make sure you are getting enough - especially during the winter months!