Tuesday Foods

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SWEET SPUD Smoothie {It's Delicious!}

Eating with the shifting seasons (an ode to ayurveda):

Are you noticing a change in your cravings? Wanting more crisp salads than you were a month ago? We are approaching the sprouting of Spring and our palates are certainly starting to follow suit…

This has a lot to do with the warmth and weather outside - and eating with the changes in the season can help our digestion thrive and keep us aligned and energized throughout the year.

We have been focusing on transitional foods in the Good Clean Kitchen. Recipes that can be enjoyed warm or cold to best suit this shift into Spring. No matter the season, smoothies make their way into our cups for super snacks and fabulously fueled breakfasts.

Ayurveda in the Spring

In Ayurveda, late winter and early spring is a Kapha (watery season )of warming temperatures lasting from February to mid-May. Snow melts, temperatures warm and our internal systems reflects those of mother nature. Spring is a time of cleansing and renewal and our dietary choices can support this beautiful shift. Right now we are in the in between, one day is warm and gorgeous, the next we are back under a blanket of billowy snow. We can fuel our systems and nurture ourselves with mindful nourishing foods for the season.


This smoothie features our beloved sweet potato and is a great way to make use of last nights unfinished spud.

Grounding, satiating and most nourishing, this smoothie is made with delicious roasted sweet potato, protein packed almond butter, hormone balancing cinnamon, and the beloved vanilla bean. Naturally sweetened with dates and blended to perfection - the smoothie soothes and satisfies even on a lingering winters morning.

How to make it:

Ingredients: (serves 2)

1 medium sweet potato (pre baked)

1 Tbsp. almond butter

1/2 tsp. cinnamon

1 cup unsweetened almond milk

1/2 tsp. vanilla or fresh vanilla bean

2 juicy Medjool dates

Sprinkle of Himalayan sea salt

1/4 cup water (plus more to desired consistency)

Chopped raw almonds, for garnish (optional)

Optional 1 to 2 tablespoons of vanilla protein powder (link to our current favorite here) {https://www.kachava.com/}

Optional topping: sprinkle with chopped almonds, oats + cinnamon or a few dark chocolate chips!

Combine all ingredients in a high speed blender and blend until well incorporated and creamy. Sip savor and be well!

Did you make this recipe? We would love to hear how it turned out! Snap a photo and share it with us @goodcleanfooddelivered. We love hearing from you!

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