Try Something New! {A 30 Day Challenge}

If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you. - Fred Divito

If you’ve ever tried to implement a new habit – such as going to the gym 3 days a week, meditating every day, eliminating sugar, or even flossing your teeth every night – and struggled to stick with it, you know that changing your habits can be easier said than done.

A few years ago Matt Cutts, a Google software engineer, shared his fun and interesting experiments with 30-day challenges on his Ted talk. From writing a novel to climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro, Matt not only found his list of accomplishments growing, but also became more aware and intentional of how he spent his time. If you’re interested in learning more about his 30-day practice, watch his quick, three minute TED talk:

This month, the team at Tuesday Foods have been engaged in variety of motivating challenges including Dry January and Gabby Bernstein’s Manifesting Challenge.

The idea is to break down a goal, into small, positive and actionable steps - and implement those small steps every day, for 30 days. Trust us… 30 days is short enough to get a real taste of the change you’d like to make or the goal you’ve set, but not so long it feels like an impossible feat to accomplish. And it’s a great way to start the new year off right!

Oh, and the challenge doesn’t HAVE to be serious or complicated or even time-consuming. You can use it to build a better routine (make your bed every morning) or lighten things up (smile and laugh every day) or even inject some creativity into your life (read a poem every day).

To give you some inspiration, we've created a list of health minded 30-day challenge ideas that you can try below. You might want to try just one, or multiple challenges - Just remember to have fun and get inspired!

1. Fitness Challenge

Fitness challenges are great ways to improve your physical and mental health, lose weight, get stronger and start looking and feeling your best. There are so, so, so many variations of this that you could try out. A 30-day plank challenge, a 30-day abs challenge, a 30-day squats challenge. The options are endless - Find ideas for all kinds of fitness challenges here.

We are obsessed with Holy Rilinger’s 4 week fitness plan LIFTED : A powerful 28 Day plan to transform your life with fitness and meditation…….Get “LIFTED” in mind, body, and spirit!

One of our favorite fitness studios in Boulder, Kondition Fitness has a challenge under way - We will see you there!

3. Reading Challenge

Want to start reading more? This challenge is so simple, and totally life changing at the same time: Read 25 pages a day. That’s it. Just commit to that, and then do it. Experts recommend reading non-fiction in the morning, and fiction before bed. We love the simplicity!

If you like more structure and an online community, GoodReads has a year long reading challenge that works great for anyone who wants to track how many books they are reading in a year, and exactly which books they read. At the end of the year, they provide you with an overview of different statistics like how many pages you read, your shortest book, your longest book, your most popular book, your average rating, and more.

2. Meditation Challenge

Ooooh we know this is a tough one, but so worth it. Meditation brings clarity and focus to our lives, especially when we’re feeling busy, overwhelmed, and stressed. Start by committing to meditation for just five to ten minutes a day. If you’re not sure where to start, try a guided meditation challenge. There are plenty of apps that can help you create a daily meditation practice - we love Headspace. We are also big fans of Gabby Bernstein’s meditation challenges

3. Track Your Spending

If you’re looking to get control of your finances, a 30-day track-your-spending challenge is a great way to ease into a financial reset. With this challenge, the idea is not to try to make any changes to your spending or to control how you spend. You simply commit to tracking your spending for 30 days - which allows you to gain insights into where your money goes each month.

4. Random Acts Of Kindness

Do one small thing every day for someone else. This is one of our favorite challenges and makes our hearts sing! Help carry groceries. Leave a big tip. Hold the door for someone. Give a stranger a compliment. Write a note to a teacher, thanking them for all they do. The possibilities are fun and endless! Check out this printable list of fun ways to spread joy and kindness! This is a great one to do with the kids!

5. 30 Day Tidy-Up Challenge

We like to think of this one as a “declutter” or “minimalism” challenge. Here’s how it works: Day one - Pick one item from your home you don’t want or need and throw it away or place it in a box to donate. Day two -pick two items, Day three- three items, and so on. Continue this process for 30 days, until you reach the last day, where you’ll get rid of 30 items. By the time you’ve reached the last day of the month, you’ll have gotten rid of 465 things from your home! Click here for 30 Day Minimalist Challenge Checklist With Tips And Rules

6. Plants Over Processed

Here’s a clean eating challenge that we can get behind! Plant Over Processed, written by Andrea Hannemann (@earthyandy) is one of our favorite new cookbooks – filled with delicious plant-based recipes for nourishing the body and eating from the earth. The Golden Rule of this challenge: Eat More Plants Than Processed Foods - And Andy gives you a doable plan, and lots of recipes to help you get there.

Plus, we can help you with this one! ORDER NOW, and we will be happy to deliver our delicious plant-based meals (nothing processed!) to your door.

Sometimes, one simple change is all it takes to make life better.

So start experimenting and challenge yourself to try something new this month!

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