Tips For A Great Night's Sleep

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“Each night, when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I’m reborn.” – Gandhi

Sleep, like diet, is key to your optimal health and well-being. It’s part of the balance you need to live a healthy, vibrant life. When you sleep, the body detoxifies, heals, and re-energizes. And, it’s a much-needed respite for your mind too. During the day, we are taxing our brain with problem-solving, decision making, and stress. In a truly restful state, your mind is able to unplug and get the reboot it needs to hit the ground running again when you wake.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that one-third of U.S. adults get less than seven hours of sleep a night, which is the minimum recommended amount. Women are more likely to struggle with insomnia than men.

If falling asleep or staying asleep has become a challenge for you, don’t give up hope! Each new day offers an opportunity to encourage healthier habits that will make your body energized and high-performing by day and support healthy sleep each night.

Here are some thoughts to consider in order to get your body and mind on track for a great night’s sleep

Eat More Plants: (Order GCF here!)

We know that the more fresh plants you get into your body each day, the more essential nutrients you’re feeding your gut. These antioxidants, phytonutrients, electrolytes, vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, water, and fiber create a healthy microbiome that sends the right signals to your system to rest. Magnesium in particular, found in dark leafy greens, legumes, avocados, nuts, bananas, and sweet potatoes, has a powerful link to preventing insomnia.

Caffeine and Alcohol:

If you are having trouble sleeping, you want to stay away from caffeine after noon. And while alcohol may help you relax and fall asleep, it can disrupt the deep REM sleep your body needs to function at it’s best. If you are going to enjoy a glass of wine, try to do it a few hours before you go to bed to ensure a great night's rest.

Sunshine and Fresh Air:

During the day get some sunshine and even better - exercise outdoors in nature. These things tell your body it's daytime; time for being productive, active and alert. By spending time in the sun, fresh air, and nature it will help you wind down more easily in the evening.

Try An Herbal Tea or Supplement:

In the evening, enjoy a hot beverage like chamomile or peppermint tea. They both have a calming affect on the body. A good Magnesium supplement promotes muscle relaxation and can promote sleep. Valerian, passion flower, lemon balm and chamomile work to balance key hormones and amino acids to relax the body so you can get a good night's rest.

Stay Cool:

Overly warm temperatures can keep you up all night long. Try keeping your room cool to promote uninterrupted slumber. The ideal temperature is between 60-67 degrees.

Unplug And Unburden Your Mind:

The blue light from TV or scrolling through social media tells your body to stay awake and stimulates your brain. Avoiding electronics before you sleep can lead to a more restful night.

Make Time For Self-Care:

There are activities you can do before bed that actually further ground and relax you, putting the body and mind at ease. And it’s a great excuse to treat yourself to a little pampering. Try a warm bath with a cup of Epsom salts and a few drops of an essential oil like lavender. Or go for a few minutes of guided meditation. We love Apps like Calm that make it easy if you are new to the practice. Also, there are yoga poses that will provide you with a great stretch and prime your body for rest.

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